It’s fairly easy to get sucked in by false teachings. Over the years I’ve seen and heard some pretty odd things preached in the name of Jesus. But more than the obvious oddities that clearly do not line up with…
Archives for November 2009
Day 41
had a wonderful day or praise and Bible study, but then things grew sad and complicated and even hurtful. Among other things I really miss Nannie. She is celebrating her 83rd birthday in heaven. She’s been with Jesus just a…
Day 40
I am a fairly passionate person. Those those know me might say I am an advocate for those in need or for children or for young moms. Outside of being passionate for my family, I am passionate about car seat…
Day 38 & 39
I’ve seldom heard sermons or read books extolling the benefits of rest and keeping a Sabbath. I think many Christians see it as a unnecessary, unproductive and an outdated practice. Perhaps they see it as a religious law without any…
Day 37
I am almost finished reading Scouting the Divine by Margaret Feinberg. It’s been very thought provoking and refreshing as well. I plan to review this book completely in the next week or so because it has so complimented this journey God…
Day 36
Rest…my thoughts are with God and praying but my body is tired so I went so sleep early for me, 10 pm. Typically I write this blog in the evening so I can reflect on my day and what the…
Day 35
A few weeks ago I really put myself out there and reached out to a group of women in search of a mentor type friend. Someone that I could share my heart with and really be transparent with. Today I…
Day 34
I was challenged today to think of what spiritual disciplines come easy for me and what do I struggle with the most. There are a lot of spiritual disciplines such as scripture memorization, fasting, prayer, bible study, journaling, etc. Of…
Day 33
What do you think it means for Jesus to shepherd us? Prior to this journey, I probably thought the most obvious – that He guides and directs us. He protects us. But I think there is more to it. I…